Reset. Spring. Start


Since Lent began more than a month ago, I haven’t been writing anything for ‘The Raya’. I decided to take a much needed break from writing and get myself refocussed and reoriented. It was a testing and trying period for me and while writing this post 40 days later, I feel a sense of redemption. The holy week for Christians have begun which will culminate on Easter Sunday as our Lord whom we crucified, rises up in all his crowning glory.

Spring is a time of redemption. Another winter is pushed away and the bright rays of sun signal a new awakening. Living in a cold country such as Canada which is known for its magnificent winters, one gets to understand the full force of darkness and cold.

Beginning from mid-November till about February, it is mostly dark and cold in these places. Its a time of connecting with people, partying and at the same time working hard like there is no tomorrow. Spring is different altogether. Its a time for a fresh new start.

Since I launched this blog more than a year ago, this was the longest I went without writing a post on this promising blog. It was also a period when I successfully partook in my first ever Lent. I abstained from everything non vegetarian and stuck on a strict vegetarian diet. It was tough but entirely possible.

Spring is here. Next week, Jesus would have risen. Its time for a fresh new start.

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Published by Tenny Thomas

I have tried to do the best in every circumstance that I have been thrown into. Blogging is one of them.

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